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What exactly is a TINY HOUSE?

Have you heard of the Tiny House Movement? It’s an new trend where people drastically downsize their living space. The typical American home is 2600 square feet, but these tiny houses are only 100 to 400 square feet! A few weeks ago, my family and I travelled to Vancouver, British Colombia for Women’s World Cup Soccer, and while there, we visited the Telus Science Center and toured this TINY 220 sq ft house built by L 4 1 Homes. I found it very intriguing – minimizing my lifestyle so much that everything I need would neatly fit into this tiny space. Sounds liberating, right? This house we saw was very sleek and contemporary, but tiny houses come in all shapes, from log cabins to A-frames, to some that look like Hobbit holes. They can cost between $12,000 and $60,000 depending on labor and materials – imagine the savings! Here’s a website that re-sells Tiny Homes I wonder if they would work in a city like Los Angeles? Wouldn’t you love to have one near the beach? While we were all very excited about this Tiny Home, as the day went on, I realized there is no way I could live in a home like this for more than a night without losing my mind. My husband won’t even travel if we can’t book a 2nd bedroom for the kids! So I guess my dream of a minimalist, simplified life will have to wait. Though maybe a tiny house office in my backyard? Hmmm…that’s an idea…

This is exactly like the one we toured.

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