03/31/2016 by eileenlanza 0 Comments
Exploring Downtown Los Angeles
It is SPRING BREAK and we didn’t have any plans so my husband decided to take us via public transportation to explore the ARTS DISTRICT of Downtown LA, a 12 minute car-ride from Larchmont Village. We stayed primarily in the ARTS DISTRICT and walked (10 miles!) through the TOY DISTRICT. We have several DISTRICTS -just like The Hunger Games!
My daughters and I are huge fans of street art & especially cool walls thanks to my sister in law, Kelly of StudioDIY . Check out her Los Angeles Wall Crawl here!
Now on to the food! We sampled from several places and were not disappointed. Eggslut at The Grand Central Market should have been our first stop but the line wrapped around the building!
Then we hit bookstores, museums and shopping.
A New Museum opened recently – Hauser, Wirth and Schimmel at 901 E 3rd Street. The space was amazing (and free!) & we will definitely be back! This last photo is my favorite! Taken at a very strange Museum called the Box.
2 bedroom condos/lofts start at $650k in this area – all the way up to $1.8m Contact me if you want a list of current homes on the market in Downtown Los Angeles!
Another photo of our 2nd weekend downtown at the Brewery Art Walk: